Are you interested in buying a vacation home in the Naples area?

It is clear today that some homes are being priced at what is called an aspirational level. A good Realtor, however, will be able to guide you away from these. I am about to close on a house for a client in Southwest Florida for 17% less than the original, aspirational, list price.

This table shows the breakdown of sales and median prices by area of Naples (see map below). Please contact me to discuss the market and see how I can help you in your search for a vacation – or permanent – home.

Naples housing market

Click on these links for detailed market reports: (more…)

Naples Housing Market Summary by area

This table shows the breakdown of sales and median prices by area of Naples (see map below). Please contact me to discuss the market and see how I can help you in your search.

naples real estate market

Click on these links for detailed market reports: (more…)

North Naples May Housing Market report

North Naples includes the area from Pine Ridge Road to the Lee County boundary just short of Bonita Beach Road (see map below).

In the first 5 months of 2021 the median price of the 864 Single Family homes sold in North Naples was almost $720,000, while that of the 1,121 Condos sold was almost $306,000.

Single Family

A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point


Central Naples May Housing Market report

Central Naples covers the area bounded by David Blvd, Goodlette-Franke, Pine Ridge and Collier Blvd.

In the first 5 months of 2021 the median price of the 415 Single Family homes sold was $436,000 and that of the 682 Condos sold $218,000

Single Family

A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point


South Naples May Housing Market report

South Naples includes the area bounded by 41, David Blvd and Collier Blvd. See map below.

In the first 5 months of 2021 the median price of the 462 Single Family homes sold in South Naples was $509,500 and that of the 967 Condos $247,500.

Single Family

A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point


East Naples May Housing Market report

East Naples includes the areas to the East of Collier Blvd. See map below for details.

In the first 5 months of 2021 the median price of the 1,035 Single Family homes sold in East Naples was $460,000, and that of the 506 Condos $330,000.
Single Family

A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point


Bonita Springs-Estero May Housing Market review

In the first 5 months of 2021, the median price of the 1,063 Single Family homes sold in the Bonita-Estero area was $507,000, while that of the 1,223 Condo sales was $292,500.
Single Family
Bonita housing market

A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point. 


Fort Myers May Housing Market report

The rolling 3-month median price (a more reliable guide than 1-month numbers) for Single Family Homes sold in Fort Myers reached $360,000, while the median Condo price was $205,000.
The following charts show the 12-month rolling figures for both median prices and sales in the Fort Myers market from January 2008 through May 2021 and clearly demonstrate the strength of both median prices and sales. (more…)

Are mortgage rates heading up or down?

For several years “experts” have been forecasting that mortgage rates were about to rise, but forecasts of an imminent end to low rates are reminiscent of Mark Twain’s alleged comment that reports of his death had been greatly exaggerated.

The 30-year Fixed Rate Mortgage (FRM) reached almost 5% in November 2018, but since then has been in an almost uninterrupted downward trend, with a few short-lived spikes upwards:

Mortgage rates

Which brings us to the question: is the next move going to be

Mortgage rates

Inflation (more…)

Bonita Springs April Market Report

Naples housing market in April

The market in Naples continued to move strongly upwards in April as these charts show:

Single Family/Attached Villas
The median price jumped to $640,000 in April

Condos/Townhouses/Attached Villas
The median price reached $319,900 in April: (more…)