Naples Mid-Year 2024 Market Review

Despite some media reports suggesting a decline in Naples’ property prices, the data on completed sales supports my view that the market remains stable in overall terms as far as prices, while sales have returned to pre-COVID levels. This table shows Median Prices and Sales for Single Family, Villa and Condos

The median Price per Sq.Ft. increased for SFs in line with median prices, and was stable for Villa and Condos.
DTO – Days To Offer – the number of days a property is listed before an accepted offer is received – increased, but was still below 2020 speeds. (more…)

Bay Forest: July 4 Sale!

A $20,000 July 4 Sale is announced for this rare, one of a kind, Villa in Bay Forest, where work continues apace on the new boardwalk


Assessments and Reserves

Every home on the planet needs maintenance, repairs, upgrades, renovations and improvements over time. No property is immune from this. Every homeowner knows that when a roof needs to be repaired, it’s wisest not to delay….. keeping a reserve fund for these inevitable costs is essential, whether a single family home or an apartment building.

Owners of homes have two options as it relates to funding bigger cost items: either you build up a ‘savings account’ of sorts by adding a bit extra each month into the kitty to create a reserve fund, or you keep in the back of your mind the knowledge and certainty that at some point you will have to fund a bigger expenditure another way. In condo’s and co-ops that is done via an assessment….eg: A $1 million facade repair is split amongst 100 apartment owners so that each pays a percentage of that cost based on the percentage of the building they ‘own’ based on their offering plan or number of shares.

Financing (more…)

Bonita Springs Q1 2024 Market Summary

For Bonita Springs overall, median prices were broadly stable in the 1st Quarter of 2024, while sales dropped from 2023 levels.

The median Price per Sq.Ft. was also stable, while sales were slower.
(DTO- Days To Offer – the number of days a property is listed before an accepted offer is received.)

Please contact me for a market report that includes properties in your area which were recently listed or sold.


For Naples overall, median prices were broadly stable in the 1st Quarter of 2024, while sales dropped a little from 2023 levels.

A similar, stable trend was seen in the median Price per Sq.Ft., while sales were a little slower.
(DTO- Days To Offer – the number of days a property is listed before an accepted offer is received.)

Please contact me for a market report that includes properties in your area which were recently listed or sold.

Florida Home Values Skyrocket

The national median home price is twice what it was ten years ago. Molded by a storm of inflation, tight supply and surging demand, the average home price in the U.S. went from around $200,000 to $400,000, according to a new study from Point2.

However, in Florida, it took much less than a decade for home prices to achieve a twofold increase.

Average home values across Florida have undergone a seismic transformation, doubling in value within the short span of just six years. This surge, saw Miami’s average home price soar from around $290,000 in 2018 to the current median of $583,000. In Tampa, homes went from $213,500 in 2018 to $430,000.

For their study, analysts looked at historical data to calculate how many years it took for home prices in the 100 largest U.S. cities to double — and Tampa tied with Miami for having the third fastest price doubling among the country’s largest cities.

The trend of rapid price doubling extended to other big Florida cities, with home prices in St. Petersburg, Orlando and Jacksonville, increasing twofold in the past six to eight years.

Median home prices in St. Petersburg doubled within 6.6 years. In Orlando home prices doubled within 7.5 years — and in Jacksonville it took 7.9 years to see a twofold increase.

The research notes that, “Fluctuating mortgage rates, steep property prices, or supply deficits are no new challenges. But they have never unleashed such a rapid-fire onslaught on homebuyers in the U.S. as they have in today’s housing market.”

Among the top 10 states attracting new construction buyers, Florida draws significant attention, with approximately one in every eight new construction buyers opting to purchase their homes in the Sunshine State. In November, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that for the year, more than 1.5 million new residential construction projects broke ground across the state — a 9.3% increase from the year prior. (Florida Realtors).

According to my research, Naples was a little closer to the national average, taking around 8 years for prices to double :

  • Andrew Oliver, M.B.E., M.B.A.
    Real Estate Advisor

m 617.834.8205

                                                                        Licensed in Florida and Massachusetts